January 3, 2018

MD Candidate Hopes to Trend “Low-Carb” Campaign – Digital Canvassing, Modernization

Helga Luest with 2x2 enviro-friendly business card - half the carbon footprint

Rockville, MD (January 3, 2018) – Maryland Delegate Candidate Helga Luest announced today that she plans to run a modern, personable, and sustainable campaign. After considering the traditional approaches, she announced today her commitment to an environmentally-friendly approach to campaigning. At the core of Luest’s decision is her intention to lead this campaign in a way that matches how she, …

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December 10, 2017

Helga Luest Launches Campaign for Maryland Delegate in District 18

Victim Advocate and Policy Expert Pledges Commitment to Positive Social Change FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 7, 2017 ROCKVILLE, MD – Helga Luest launched her campaign today to represent District 18 in the Maryland House of Delegates. Luest, a Rockville resident, is a nationally known advocate for trauma victims, having herself been the victim of a violent crime. A communications executive, …

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